I'm In A New York State Of Mind



I wanted to update all my readers of what I've been up too since I moved back home from Switzerland. As some of you know, I had a rough time there and in Italy too. I had beautiful times too but it was a rough solo trip, lots of lessons and growth.

I had major post travel blues after coming back home. I felt like I had failed at living abroad and traveling long term. I hadn't dealt with what happened in Italy and it hit me when I came home. I quickly got the travel bug again. I wanted adventure, spontaneity and uncertainty.

I pitched the idea to a guy I met in Switzerland who took me rock climbing and we decided to road trip through Costa Rica. It was exactly what I needed. I really shouldn't have been spending money at that time but I had a rock climbing job lined up for when I came home. The job fell through unfortunately and I was desperate to have money, I went back to my old job of banquet serving which I didn't like. I loved my coworkers but the job was not feeding my soul but I needed money to come in. I went back to saving mode.



I was trying to find what I wanted to do with my life and how to still travel. I met someone; a man who walked into my life at the perfect moment. I have a BA degree in forensic psychology and he said I should be using my degree, it's what I went to school for. There wasn't anything in New Jersey because in this country it's a catch 22. You graduate, get the degree, get the student loan debt and then no work. Why? People won't hire you because you don't have experience but you were in school for the last 4 years. So I started looking and there was nothing. My boyfriend lives in New York and I was driving up there most of the time to see him and my cousin. So I started looking for jobs in his area and asked my aunt & cousin if I could live with them. They said yes, so it was just a matter of time until I found a job.



I now work for a non-profit company for the mentally ill. I enjoy it, I love my coworkers, they keep me laughing all day and the experience is great. I don't know if this is my career path. I know I'm not alone on that. I recently came back from a life changing event called Evolving Out Loud; my good friend Kyle Cease a comedian/transformational comedian holds weekend events in LA. It's a place filled with people who listen to their souls and what their bodies are telling them. It's for people who are completely lost and need guidance. It's for people who want to chase their dreams and make them come true. I learn so much about myself by attending these events. From the time when I came home from Switzerland till now, I wanted to get to know myself on a deeper level. I began meditating often and listening to what my soul or gut was telling me to do. I always enjoyed writing since I was little, I love to tell my travel stories on my blog and I realized during one of my meditations that I want to write my first book on my travels on all the insights and life lessons I've learned during each trip.

After leaving Evolving Out Loud, Kyle asks everyone to make a goal and work on it for the next 90 days and document the changes and opportunities that arise. There is a incentive to finish your goal, if you don't finish you have to do something you wouldn't want to do in order to motivate you to finish it. I chose to write every day even if it's a little bit each day for the next 90 days to finish my book and if I don't I chose that I will donate to Donald Trump and Chris Christie. I refuse to do that so I'm excited for my book to be fully written on November 9th. Kyle's events help me get back to my core, my center of what I truly want in life and that's to be a travel writer. I am so grateful for every chance I get to attend these events and the countless people I meet who each myself and other achieve their dreams and a bonus, some become life long friends.



So what does this mean for my travels? Well, I am really enjoying my time here in New York. It's a beautiful area where I live and I'm close to NYC and other cities. I am falling more in love with my boyfriend each and everyday. I am okay with having a home base here in New York and traveling for a bit and having a place to come home to. I don't know what is in store for me at the moment. But I'm trying to embrace that everyday. I will never stop traveling the world and now I have an amazing man who is coming along for the ride. We recently just came back from Montreal! Stay tuned!

Want to catch up on some reading?

My one way ticket moving to Switzerland...

Why I am came home from Switzerland & Italy...

My amazing road trip through Costa Rica...

Title credit: New York State Of Mind, Billy Joel. 


Romantic Weekend In Montreal


Partying With The Ghosts of Gettysburg