30 Nuggets of Wisdom For Your 30's
I turn 30 tomorrow and I think back to everything that has happened to me or things I’ve done in my 20’s and it was both amazing and fucked up at the same time. All the experiences made me who I am today and I have no idea what my 30’s will have in store for me but I wanted to write some nuggets of wisdom for myself and what I want to do and continue doing in this next decade of my life. Perhaps, you may enjoy some of them. Here we go.
1. Continue to do the inner work to grow and evolve.
2. Try to be more playful even though it makes me uncomfortable sometimes.
3. Change my fears and thought patterns around money—to be more positive.
4. Not to give a f*ck and have the strength to continue to say no to whatever may affect my health and well-being in a negative way. Boundaries are everything.
5. Finish my second book and publish it traditionally.
6. Write more and have fun with it again.
7. Let go, surrender and not overthink so much. To let me inner compass guide me.
8. Wealth is abundant and flows to me with ease.
9. To continue to grow and evolve with my partner & build our lives together.
10. Keep living simply. It’s never that complicated as we make it out to be.
11. Love truly is the answer to whatever we may be facing. We have to be open to it.
12. Even on the hard days—remember that self-love and self-care is everything. You’re never selfish when it comes to taking care of yourself.
13. Nothing is ever as personal no matter how much it may feel otherwise.
14. HEAL your wounds, your inner child, whatever it is. Life is too short to be miserable. Do the work.
15. I will travel more and be open to any new experiences because they are there to teach me something.
16. Continue to do the work and heal my ancestral family trauma.
17. Be the author I’m meant to be and not be afraid to let my voice be heard. Even if some people may not like what I have to say.
18. You won’t please everyone and everyone won’t like you. But the ones that do, you’ll never have to question it.
19. Slow and steady wins the race.
20. Privacy is a beautiful thing. Everything doesn’t need to be shared. You choose what you want to be out there, not what anyone else tells you.
21. Make nature your place of worship. Fresh air always does the body good.
22. Health is wealth.
23. You’re stronger than you think.
24. Sometimes in the midst of chaos, you have to choose to have faith and trust that everything will work out the way it’s supposed to.
25. You are in more control than you think.
26. Your life choices are your life choices.
27. Be unapologetically authentic, always.
28. This may sound cliche, but you become who you surround yourself with. Choose wisely.
29. Everyone may seem like they know what they’re doing but in reality, people are just winging it.
30. Self-awareness is key.
There’s a lot pressure or negative connotation with turning 30. You should be married, have kids, house or have your life together. This is the age where we tend to compare our lives with our friends and feel shitty about what we’re lacking. I’ve never been the one to be a follower and I won’t start now. Your life is your life, do what you want to do and life is too damn short to be anything but happy. I’m looking forward to seeing where my 30’s takes me. Cheers to the fabulous 30’s.